Update #17

January 2nd 2023


Urgent Action is now needed from everyone….!!

We all need to comment AGAIN on the revised plans for St Christopher's - and we only have a few more days. 

If we don’t submit our thoughts, we risk the Council assuming that we all accept a scheme that will blight our community forever.  

So, even though the amendments are superficial and don't change the overwhelming bulk and mass of the proposals, we’ve been advised by planning experts that we ALL need to respond.
Click here to view the revised plans in full and make a comment - you don't need to write much. The deadline is this Thursday, 5th Jan. It’s a shame that the developers have timed this consultation over the festive period but there's nothing we can do about it. Sorry.

SCAN’s original concerns regarding overdevelopment, road safety, and the loss of trees, heritage & Special Educational Needs provision still apply.

The developers are spending £££ to persuade you their plans have changed significantly….but let’s have a closer look at what they are claiming…

They say: Fewer homes.

The reality: Just 6 fewer. There would still be 116 housing units. Mostly two-bedroomed. And still no affordable housing.

They say: ‘Improved’ parking ratio.

The reality: Still only 65 spaces for 116 luxury homes- not forgetting all the staff, carers, visitors, deliveries. Overspill is inevitable.

They say: The revised scheme is smaller & less visible.

The reality: One block lowered by the height of a ruler - that’s just 30 cm or less than one foot!  Although another block has been reduced by a single storey, there would still be 4 huge apartment buildings  - up to 5 storeys high - overwhelming the listed Grace House, nearby homes and the Downs. The council's own Conservation Panel ‘strongly’ objects to these revised plans saying they will cause ‘significant damage’. 

They say: The revised scheme would retain more trees.

The reality: Still too many protected, mature trees will be felled - including a wonderful old oak tree.  It will take decades for any new saplings to provide the same benefit to nature and wildlife.

They say:  They’ll create an “Urban Village Hall” - with possible use by children with special education needs (SEN). 

The reality: Vague offer of a shared-use space or room. Experts tell us this arrangement won't work from a safeguarding aspect. The proposal doesn’t come close to addressing the desperate need for SEN school places and doesn’t compensate for the loss of St Christopher's, a much valued community asset for 70+ years. 

If we can get these plans rejected,  we believe it's entirely possible for this site to be developed in a far more sensitive and sustainable way - providing much needed housing in Bristol (including affordable housing).

But we can only get to that point if enough of us register our comments NOW!

Please tell the council what you think  -  click here. A few sentences are fine and it should only take a few minutes. All comments are anonymous.

Thank you for your continued support - and happy new year!


Click here for the link to the revised applications so you can see for yourself 

Click here to go straight to the comments page when you can start typing 

Click here to read a more detailed summary of the minor changes with input from our colleagues at the Westbury Park Community Association.


Update #18


Update #16